Advisory Board
The St. Gregory the Great School Advisory Board represents the educational institution of the Diocese of Bridgeport and is under the authority of the Office for Education of the Diocese of Bridgeport. The Board provides the leadership to foster an environment which provides underlying Catholic values, long-term strategic planning and financial stability. This role of the Board complements the school’s mission which is to nurture and foster the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and social growth of the student through its religious and academic curriculum and extracurricular programs.
Responsibilities of the School Advisory Board
Keep the overall mission of the school clearly in focus and satisfy itself that the objectives of the school are in harmony with the mission of the Catholic Church.
Participate in the preparation and periodic review of the long range strategic plans for the school in conjunction with the approved budget.
Communicate the goals and performance of the school and its constituents.
Work closely and interactively with the Principal and staff.
Make recommendations to provide for adequate financial resources to meet the facility and instructional needs of the school and to oversee the financial operations of the school.
Encourage the local school community to interact with the broader community.
Continuously evaluate itself and periodically devote time to analyzing its own performance.
Recognize and respect that the school facility is owned by the parish corporation and that the Pastor is responsible for determining the building’s major repairs and renovations as well as the use of the school building(s) by the parish as long as it does not interfere with the school’s programs.
Review academic requirements set by the accreditation agency.
St Gregory the Great School Advisory Board (SAB) members for 2020-2021:
Pastor: Rev. Michael L Dunn
Principal: Suzanne M Curra
SAB Chair: John Poklemba
SAB Vice Chair: Marianne Fahey
Corry Devin
Father Ford
Brian Lamp
Mike Mazzucco
Joe Muro
Garett Palmer
Christin Peloso
Chris Salese